Saturday, July 30, 2011

Anyone Out There?

I have had a few requests for instructions on posting comments. here's the 411:

At the end of a post there will be a line saying (typically up to now) 0 Comments.
Click on that and a white box will pop up where you can write something.

Don't be shy! It's not hard, you don't have to say much, it's just that I always look forward to hearing from you. And then we can say goodbye to the number '0'.

So, let the commenting begin...

A Brief Interruption...

Please excuse this brief interruption in my happy, carefree cruise narration:

Dear Apple,

What do you have against Blogger, and the legions of bloggers who have purchased your expensive, yet oh so cool, iPad? All we want to do is post to our blogs, pictures included, from the road, or water in my case. And all you have done is made this impossible, reason unknown. Okay not impossible but awkward, and not "intuitive" like your products are said to be. So, today, Mr. Jobs and friends, call me annoyed.

First Mate Martha
Currently anchored in Woods Hole, MA

Posted above are 2 pictures Mr. J and friendsdidn'tt want me to put out there: Rainbow over Newport, and the Captain, Carla and Tyler enjoying the Calypso Deck in Edgartown.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Martha's Vineyard

We've spent the last two nights off Martha's Vineyard, first in Vineyard Haven and last night in the Edgartown Harbor. Not long after we moored in Vineyard Haven the Captain called my attention to a sailboat anchored about three boats away.I pulled out the binoculars to get a closer look and to confirm the Captain's suspicions. There she was: The Sabre 452 formerly known as Freedom: our 'old' boat, now known as Alliance. We knew she was also cruising up this way from her home port in Rock Hall, MD, but what are the chances we would all end up in the same harbor?

The shores here are dotted with shingled homes, some big, some small and and some mega-sized. And the harbors are filled with a similar assortment of boats. There is a lot to look at! We ate dinner at the famous Black Dog Tavern in Vineyard Haven (I know you've seen the t-shirts), and stopped for ice cream at Mad Martha's, where I also snagged a hat. Last night we avoided the crowds and stayed on board to enjoy Salmon BLT's on the Calypso Deck. It was a beautiful clear evening, with a cool breeze sending us all down below for fleece jackets. A welcome relief after the string of 100+ temperatures last week!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Heat Relief

One week ago: Even the swimming pool was too hot. Tonight: Wearing a fleece jacket. Sweet!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cruising Along

Freedom's engines were fired up Monday at 6am and with the Manhattan skyline barely visible in the distance, soon we were heading east across the Long Island Sound, destination Stonington, CT. It was an uneventful day, few boats were out and we made it to our (first) mooring at Dodson's Boatyard about 3:30. Some technical difficulties with the mooring necessitated a call to the dock master. Happily, they led us to a second, more protected mooring, and it wasn't long until we were secured.

According to our guidebook, "Stonington lays claim to having the most beautiful harbor on the East Coast." We will let you know what we think when our trip is complete. Stonington is also home to Connecticut's only fishing fleet.

We hoped to have another early start today, giving us the opportunity to visit with friends and family in Rhode Island later in the day, but we had to delay our departure while we waited for the water maker repairman. Yes, Freedom can make her own water -- don't ask me how. At a rate of 35 gallons an hour, we can go great distances, and take daily showers, without a stop at the dock - as long as all is going well. After not to long we were on our way and we are now anchored off of Jamestown Rhode Island.

Like any harbor there is lots to look at. Just after we anchored yesterday the afternoon sailing class came through the mooring field - the Optimist sailors singing, laughing, commenting on the boats nearby, and having a grand time. Late this afternoon the Captain
stepped into the cockpit just in time to see our friends Jack and Laura Gregg from Philadelphia sail by - a complete surprise for all.

Tomorrow we head for Martha's Vineyard where we will meet Carla and Tyler for a week of cruising Northward. A portent of good luck and happy days ahead was seen in the sky:A rainbow over Newport.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

North to Canada

Freedom is floating north, destination: the St. John River, New Brunswick, Canada. This is a big adventure for us, and has taken a good amount of thought, planning, provisioning*, and just plan old figurin'. So far, planes, trains and automobiles have been needed to get the crew on and off the boat, and we have only just begun....

The trip began on July 16th, leaving from the Sassafras River, Maryland and stopping in Cape May New Jersey for 3 days. With the Captain's sister, brother-in-law, brother and sister-in-law along as crew they headed towards Atlantic Highlands, NJ to pick up a cousin and his family for the trip through New York City. A unique and memorable way to the see the Big Apple! Freedom is anchored at the Noroton Yacht Club in Darien, Connecticut for the weekend while the Captain and crew enjoy a mini family reunion.

We took a lot of water over the bow as we traveled across the Delaware Bay en route to Cape May. We were lucky to find these very cute cousins (Julia and Monica) to clean off all that salt!

Wait a minute ladies...what's in those red cups? I guess they heard we can't bring all of our liquor into Canada.

*Head over to to read all about provisioning.