Freedom was safely returned to her Georgetown, Maryland slip Thursday July 1st about 3:00PM (aka 1500 hours). Another ocean adventure behind her.
She crossed the line third in class in the 2010 Newport Bermuda Race, tenth on corrected time. The crew reported good weather and comraderie on the race course. Many thanks to Al, Andy, Dave,A2, Karl, CJ, and Andrew for joining the Skipper on his 13th race and sharing their time and skills. And Congratulations to Al and Andrew for completing their 15th "Thrashes to the Onion Patch." It takes a team effort, and lots of snack food to make it down the Rhumb Line and into the Rum Line at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club.
Camraderie reigned on the trip back, but the weather in the Gulf Stream proved to be a challenge and called on the strong teamwork and experience of our return crew: Al (Doc), Donna (the Racer Chaser), Z-Man, Kurt, Dona (aka "Trim Chic"), Chase (the Muscle), yours truly (on her first, and most likely last, off-shore adventure) and the Skipper. More on that to follow. In the meantime, Congratulations and Appreciation to our crews for joining us.
I wandered here from Cjane's blog and wanted to say that this sounds like quite the adventure!