Freedom's engines were fired up Monday at 6am and with the Manhattan skyline barely visible in the distance, soon we were heading east across the Long Island Sound, destination Stonington, CT. It was an uneventful day, few boats were out and we made it to our (first) mooring at Dodson's Boatyard about 3:30. Some technical difficulties with the mooring necessitated a call to the dock master. Happily, they led us to a second, more protected mooring, and it wasn't long until we were secured.
According to our guidebook, "Stonington lays claim to having the most beautiful harbor on the East Coast." We will let you know what we think when our trip is complete. Stonington is also home to Connecticut's only fishing fleet.
We hoped to have another early start today, giving us the opportunity to visit with friends and family in Rhode Island later in the day, but we had to delay our departure while we waited for the water maker repairman. Yes, Freedom can make her own water -- don't ask me how. At a rate of 35 gallons an hour, we can go great distances, and take daily showers, without a stop at the dock - as long as all is going well. After not to long we were on our way and we are now anchored off of Jamestown Rhode Island.
Like any harbor there is lots to look at. Just after we anchored yesterday the afternoon sailing class came through the mooring field - the Optimist sailors singing, laughing, commenting on the boats nearby, and having a grand time. Late this afternoon the Captain
stepped into the cockpit just in time to see our friends Jack and Laura Gregg from Philadelphia sail by - a complete surprise for all.
Tomorrow we head for Martha's Vineyard where we will meet Carla and Tyler for a week of cruising Northward. A portent of good luck and happy days ahead was seen in the sky:A rainbow over Newport.
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